Poetry Slam

RaRa Ryot

Raw Roar Slam Poetry co-founder and spoken word poet, RaRa Ryot is Wagga-born and has a love-hate relationship with this place. She began performing spoken word in 2014 at a locally-run once a year Slam Poetry event. She has been known to take on roles as social critic castigating inequality & hypocrisy; advocate for women’s (and children’s) rights; angst-ridden confessor … RaRa’s writes in a variety of styles and voices, and looks at life in rural New South Wales and her second life as an educator with both candid humour and passion.

David Gilbey

David Gilbey has just been ‘terminated’ as a lecturer in English at Charles Sturt University after more than forty years! So his poetry is likely to get angry/melancholy/wistful … David is the founding President of Wagga Wagga Writers Writers and Booranga Writers’ Centre. His latest collection of poems is Pachinko Sunset (Island Press 2016).